CNC Router Parts - A new journey / by Sami Woolhiser

I have opened a new chapter in my career of making. This fall I joined the team at CNC Router Parts as their Digital Fabrication Media Producer.

Yeah, I know, What does that mean?

As you might know, I studied sculpture with a focus in digital fabrication. Since moving to Portland, OR I have worked for a ceramic tile company, a cement casting art studio, a local makerspace teaching CNC and on a fabrication team as a CNC Tech, Digi Fab PM and later managing the department.

I have tried to gather and to learn as much as I could to get here, and I have no intentions of stopping that habit. Though now, I am given the immense privilege of dedicating my days to my two passions - Education & Making.

Basically I get to make videos about making things! I KNOW RIGHT?! How is that a job?

Anyways, I hope you keep an eye out for my videos and learn a little about CNC and digital fabrication processes. Follow us on social media for updates:


Photo by Matt Faisetty

Photo by Matt Faisetty